


姓名:熊波 性别: 籍贯:湖北





1998-2002:江汉大学物理系,教育学学士, 获最优学士论文


(导师:王为忠教授 )


(导师:Dr. Keith Benedict, Prof. Mark Fromhold )                                                                                               


2021 年 1月-2024年12月:主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:二维自旋轨道耦合凝聚体中的量子隧穿机制及其特征动力学研究,项目批准号:12075175





2005年8月-2008年8月 :诺丁汉大学国际学生全额奖学金,物理学院名额每                     


2009年:                 德国柏林自由大学国际合作访问基金    


2009年柏林自由大学做短期访问学者,同Dr. Axel Pelster进行以下研究:

--- Study of parametric resonance of trapped BEC under periodically modulated         

scattering length.

2010-2013年在首尔国立大学Brain Korea(BK)及理论物理中心做博士后,同Prof. Uwe R. Fischer主要进行以下研究:

--- Proposal of a modified variant of the Gutzwiller ansatz which customizes for the

many-body dynamics involved with long-range interaction;

--- Analysis of why the fragmented condensate of interacting Bosons induced by

positive pair-exchange coupling in a single trap is intrinsically robust and why 

the quench of pair-exchange coupling can induce novel quantum phase


--- Exploring the unique dynamics of matter wave arisen from long-range    

interaction after the quench separately from superfluid phase to Mott insulator

phase and from supersolid phase to localized density wave phase based on the

extended Bose-Hubbard model;

--- Finding interaction-induced coherence among polar bosons in triple-well  



2013年6月-2013年8月在贝尔格莱德大学物理所参与德国和塞尔维亚合作课题,同Prof.Antum Balaz Dr. Axel Pelster进行以下研究:

--- Exploring the influence of a controllable quench for two-component Bose-   

Einstein condensate on the time-of-flight imaging measurement.


--- Exploring the nonadiabatic dynamics, e.g., Landau-Zener transition, for

Spin-Orbit coupling Bose-Einstein condensates.


--- Non-adiabatic multichannel dynamics of a spin-orbit coupled condensate;

--- Interaction-induced Gauge field in cold atom.





期刊论文发表( *工作完成者;@通讯作者;#执笔者):


B. Yang*, B. Xiong,  Z. L. Liu, and  B. Zhang@, Exploring the effect

of decoherence in a two-dimensional Rydberg system: Application of the time-dependent variational principle, Phys. Rev. A, 105, 052225 (2022)

B. Yang*, B. Xiong,  Z. L. Liu, and  B. Zhang@, Effective fourth-order

Lindblad equation for a weakly-coupled dissipative quantum system, Phys. Lett. A, 425, 127881 (2022)


       B. Xiong*#@, Jun-hui Zheng,  and  Daw-wei Wang, Nonadiabatic

multichannel dynamics of a spin-orbit coupled condensate, Phys. Rev. A, 91, 063602  (2015)(citations: 3;  cited by others: 1)

       Jun-hui Zheng*, B. Xiong@, G. Juzeliunas, and Daw-wei Wang#,  Topological condensate in an Interaction-induced Gauge potential, Phys. Rev. A, 92, 013604 (2015) (citations: 20;  cited by others: 15)


   Bo Xiong*#@, Jun-hui Zheng, Yu-Ju Lin, and Daw-wei Wang,

Spin-orbit-coupling-induced magnetic heterostructure in the bilayer Bose-Hubbard system, Phys. Rev. A, 94, 063611 (2016)

(citations: 4; cited by others: 4)

       Bo Xiong*#@ and Uwe R. Fischer, Interaction-induced coherence among polar bosons stored in triple-well potentials, Phys. Rev. A, 88, 063608 (2013)

(citations: 24;  cited by others: 20)

Uwe R. Fischer# and B. Xiong*@, Robustness of fragmented condensate many-body states for continuous distribution amplitudes in Fock space, Phys. Rev. A, 88, 053602 (2013) (citations: 14;  cited by others: 7)

Uwe R. Fischer# and B. Xiong*@, Identifying strongly correlated supersolid states on the optical lattice by quench-induced π-state, Europhy. Lett. 99, 66003 (2012) (citations: 6;  cited by others: 6)

      Uwe R. Fischer# and B. Xiong*@, Many-site coherence revivals in the extended Bose-Hubbard model and the Gutzwiller approximation,

Phys. Rev. A, 84, 063635 (2011) (citations: 16;  cited by others: 16)

Uwe R. Fischer#, Kang-Soo Lee and B. Xiong*@, Emergence of a new pair-coherent phase in many-body quenches of repulsive bosons, Phys. Rev. A, 84, 011604(R) (2011) (citations: 15;  cited by others: 12)


J. C. Xing, W. K. Bai, B. Xiong, J.-H Zheng, and T. Yang, Structure and

dynamics of binary Bose-Einstein condensates with vortex phase imprinting, Frontiers of Physics. 18, 62302 (2023)

B. Xiong*#@, Tao YangYu-Ju Lin and Daw-Wei Wang, Controllable splitting dynamics of a doubly quantized vortex in a ring-shaped condensate, J. Phys. B, 53, 075301 (2020) (citations: 1;  cited by others: 1)

B. Xiong*#@, Tao Yangand Keith A. Benedict, Distortion of interference 

  fringes and the resulting vortex production of merging Bose-Einstein condensates,

Phys. Rev. A, 88, 043602 (2013)  (citations: 20;  cited by others: 12)

B. Xiong*#@, Tao Yang and Keith A. Benedict, Simulating quantum transport for a quasi-1D Bose gas in an optical lattice: the choice of fluctuation modes in the truncated Wigner approximation, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46,145307 (2013)  (citations: 3;  cited by others: 3)

T. Yang*#, B. Xiong@and Keith A. Benedict, Dynamical excitations in the collision of two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. A 87, 023603 (2013)  (citations: 32;  cited by others: 10)


B. Xiong* and W. Z. Wang@#, Study on the ferromagnetic ground state of a phenylene molecule chain, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 299, 300 (2006)

B. Xiong* and W. Z. Wang@#, Structural phase transition and soliton in an organic ferromagnetic polymer: Theoretical prediction,

Phys. Rev. B, 71, 174431 (2005) (citations: 4;  cited by others: 2)


1998年9月-2005年6月: 武汉私立高中数理老师

2010年6月-2013年5月: 小组教学“BEC”和“量子光学”





2008年8月27日: 英国Durham杜伦大学 受邀报告

2008年11月19日: 德国Hannover汉诺威大学 受邀报告

2009年10月19日: 德国Berlin柏林自由大学 理论物理受邀报告

2012年8月23日: 韩国Pohang浦项亚洲太平洋理论物理中心“量子信息,            


2013年7月28日: 塞尔维亚Belgrade贝尔格莱德大学物理所受邀报告

2014年10月13日: 台北市原子与分子科学研究所 受邀报告

2015年2月2日:   新西兰Rotorua罗托鲁瓦举行 “新西兰高等研究院和德   

国马普物理所的并行研讨会” 研讨报告