










2014.09 – 2020.06 武汉理工大学  研究生  博士

2018.01 – 2019.01 加州大学伯克利分校 联合培养博士研究生

2010.09 – 2014.06 武汉理工大学 工程力学 本科 学士


2023.09 – 至今 武汉理工大学 理学院力学系 特岗教授 硕士导师

2022.09 – 2023.08 爱荷华州立大学 博士后

2022.02 – 2022.08 内华达州立大学雷诺分校 博士后

2020.07 – 2022.01 武汉理工大学新材所 博士后











共发表SCI论文30余篇,以第一和通讯作者身份发表SCI论文18篇,其中JCR-Q1区6篇,JCR-Q2区8篇,包括Phys. Rev. Lett.Int. J. Plast.等顶级期刊,与加州大学伯克利分校Shaofan Li教授出版英文学术专著1部。代表性论著如下:

[1] Jun Li, K Luo, Q An. Activating mobile dislocation in boron carbide at room temperature via Al doping, Physical Review Letters, 2023, 130: 116104. (JCR-Q1区,IF=8.6,物理TOP期刊,唯一第一作者)

[2] Jun Li, K Luo, Q An, Atomic structure, stability, and dissociation of dislocations in cadmium telluride, International Journal of Plasticity, 2023, 163: 103552. (JCR-Q1区,IF=9.8,力学TOP期刊,唯一第一作者)

[3] Jun Li, Q An. Nanotwinning-induced Pseudoplastic Deformation in Boron Carbide under Low Temperature [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 242, 107998. (JCR-Q1区,IF=7.3,力学TOP期刊,唯一第一作者)

[4] Jun Li, K Luo, Q An. Mobile dislocation mediated Hall-Petch and inverse Hall-Petch behaviors in nanocrystalline Al-doped boron carbide [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2024, 44(2): 659-667. (JCR-Q1区,陶瓷TOP期刊,唯一第一作者)

[5] Jun Li, Q An. Quasiplastic Deformation in Shocked Nanocrystalline Boron Carbide: Grain Boundary Sliding and Local Amorphization [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023, 43(2): 208-216. (JCR-Q1区,陶瓷TOP期刊,唯一第一作者)

[6] Jun Li, Q An. Shear-induced Amorphization in Boron Subphosphide (B12P2): Direct Transition versus Stacking Fault Mediation [J]. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2022, 105(11): 6826-6838. (JCR-Q1区, 陶瓷高水平期刊,唯一第一作者)

[7] Jun Li, S Li, X Lai, L Liu. Peridynamic Stress is the Static First Piola–Kirchhoff Virial Stress [J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 241: 111478. (JCR-Q2区,固体力学高水平期刊,唯一第一作者)

[8] Jun Li, Q An, L Liu. Local Amorphization in Boron Carbide at Finite Temperature: Strategies toward Improved Ductility [J]. Physical Review B, 2021, 104: 134105. (JCR-Q2区,凝聚态物理TOP期刊,唯一第一作者)

[9] Shaofan Li, Jun Li. Introduction to Computational Nanomechanics: Multiscale and Statistical Simulations [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. (学术专著)

[10] Jun Li, S Xu, J Zhang, L Liu. First Principles Predicting Improved Ductility of Boron Carbide through Element Doping [J]. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125: 11591-11603. (JCR-Q2区, 唯一第一作者)

[11] Jun Li, Q An, L Liu. A Strong Two-Dimensional Semiconductor l-B4C with High Carrier Mobility [J]. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, 126(13): 6036-6046. (JCR-Q2区, 唯一第一作者)

[12] Jun Li, Q An. Structural and Electronic Intricacies of Cu-Doped Lead Apatite (LK-99): Implications for Potential Ambient-Pressure Superconductivity [J]. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2024, 128(1): 580-587. (JCR-Q2区, 唯一第一作者)

[13] Jun Li, L Liu, S Xu, J Zhang, W She. First-principles Study of Mechanical, Electronic Properties and Anisotropic Deformation Mechanisms of TiB under Uniaxial Compressions [J]. Applied Physics A, 2019, 125(3): 222. (JCR-Q2区, 唯一第一作者)

[14] Jun Li, L Liu, S Xu, J Zhang, Y Wu. The Effects of Carbon Content on the Anisotropic Deformation Mechanism of Boron Carbide [J]. Materials, 2018, 11(10): 1861. (JCR-Q2区, 唯一第一作者)

[15] Z Yue, Jun Li*, L Liu*, H Mei. Atomistic explanation of compression-induced deformation mechanisms in boron carbide [J]. Applied Physics A, 2024, 130: 187. (JCR-Q2区,通讯作者)

[16] Z Yue, Jun Li*, L Liu*, X Li, H Mei, S Xu. Effects of grain boundaries and quasi-plastic deformation in shocked bi-crystal boron carbide nanopillars [J]. Computational Materials Science, 2024, 239: 112967. (JCR-Q3区,通讯作者)

[17] 李君,刘立胜,徐爽,张金咏. 单轴压缩下Ti3B4的力学、电学性能及变形机制的第一性原理研究 [J]. 物理学报, 2020, 69(4): 043102. (JCR-Q4区,唯一第一作者)

[18] Jun Li, S Xu, J Zhang, L Liu, Q Liu, W She, Z Fu. Ab initio Study on the Anisotropy of Mechanical Behavior and Deformation Mechanism for Boron Carbide [J]. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(4): 047101. (JCR-Q3区,唯一第一作者)

[19] Jun Li, S Xu, L Liu, et al. Mechanism for Amorphization of Boron Carbide under Complex Stress Conditions [J]. Materials Research Express, 2018, 5(5): 055204. (JCR-Q3区,唯一第一作者)

[20] J Han, S Li, H Yu, Jun Li, and A Zhang. On Nonlocal Cohesive Continuum Mechanics and Cohesive Peridynamic Modeling (CPDM) of Inelastic Fracture [J]. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2022, 164, 104894. (JCR-Q1区,其他作者)

[21] Y Shen, K M Reddy, Jun Li, M Chen, Q An. Atomistic origin of shear induced quasi-plastic deformation in boron carbide [J]. Acta Materialia, 2023, 249: 118828. (JCR-Q1区,其他作者)

[22] Mei Ren, Jun Li, Manhong Huang, Donghui Chen, Xuelian Chen, Qi An, Songmei Sun. Effcient Low-Temperature catalytic depolymerization of LLDPE into valuable compounds using H-ZSM-5 catalysts and water [J]. Fuel, 2024, 366, 131356. (JCR-Q1区,其他作者)


[1] 湖北省自然科学基金青年项目,碳化硼陶瓷晶界调控及增韧机理研究,2024